Experimental Y-SNP Phylogenies

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7 February 2014

8 November 2013

7 September 2013

8 August 2013

26 July 2013

16 July 2013

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The MorleyDNA.com Y-SNP Subclade Predictor and experimental Y phylogeny are copyright © 2013-2025 Chris Morley. All rights reserved. Licensed for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license, with the additional condition that the underlying experimental Y phylogeny cannot be used in other prediction/classification software without the author's prior permission. Genetic genealogical consultants, businesses and others looking to use the predictor and/or experimental phylogeny as part of a for-profit activity must contact the author to discuss licensing. Visitors relying on any information do so at their own risk. Use of this service is subject to this privacy policy