Experimental Y-SNP Phylogenies
PDF documents are upwards of 1.7 MB in size.7 February 2014
- Chris Morley (2014). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 7 February 2014, https://ytree.morleydna.com/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20140207.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
Over 2700 Geno kits and 7500 non-Geno kits.
8 November 2013
- Chris Morley (2013). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 8 November 2013, https://ytree.morleydna.com/oldtrees/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20131108.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
Released in advance of the 2013 Family Tree DNA Genetic Genealogy conference. Assembles over 2200 Geno kits and 7300 non-Geno kits. The citation above accidentally read "8 October" for about half a day.
7 September 2013
- Chris Morley (2013). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 7 September 2013, https://ytree.morleydna.com/oldtrees/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20130907.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
- Comma-separated summary of tree structure, kit distribution and SNP counts -- 7 September 2013.
Incorporates several thousand non-Geno kits. Improved reporting of phylogenetic discrepancies.
8 August 2013
- Chris Morley (2013). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 8 August 2013, https://ytree.morleydna.com/oldtrees/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20130808.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
- Comma-separated summary of tree structure, kit distribution and SNP counts -- 8 August 2013.
- Discrepancies and gaps in the ISOGG tree and SNP database -- late July 2013.
Includes a proof-of-concept phylogeny built from Full Genomes demo data.
26 July 2013
- Chris Morley (2013). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 26 July 2013, https://ytree.morleydna.com/oldtrees/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20130726.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
16 July 2013
- Chris Morley (2013). An experimental computer-generated Y-chromosomal phylogeny, leveraging public Geno 2.0 results and the current ISOGG tree, version: 17 July 2013, https://ytree.morleydna.com/oldtrees/ExperimentalGenoPhylogeny20130717.pdf [Date of access: 11 February 2025].
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